Google Page Rank: Still Relevant?

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Why I think Google Page Rank (PR) is Useless.

With all the talk out on the web over the latest Google Algorithm update that included a Google Seo over-optimization Penalty, I thought it was time to include one of the other so-called ” Major Factors” that Google is said to use in determining to rank in the Google Search Engine. And that other big factor is” Google Page Rank”

Okay, first off I know a lot of people will say that you need a Good(High) Google Page Rank(PR) for your Website and if possible for your inner pages. And we are constantly told that websites gain higher Google Page Rank through the quality of both content and backlinks.

So let’s have a quick look at a diagram from Wikipedia that gives us an idea of how the Page Rank system works.

After the diagram is an explanation of How Page Rank is calculated…..also from the Wikipedia page on Page Rank.

Just click on the image below to be taken to the Wikipedia page with a much larger version of this picture below. Also for an interesting look at the actual Page Rank equation developed by Larry Page and Sergey Brin.

Mathematical PageRanks for a simple network, expressed as percentages. Page C has a higher PageRank than Page E, even though there are fewer links to C; the one link to C comes from an important page and hence is of high value. If web surfers who start on a random page have an 85% likelihood of choosing a random link from the page they are currently visiting, and a 15% likelihood of jumping to a page chosen at random from the entire web, they will reach Page E 8.1% of the time. (The 15% likelihood of jumping to an arbitrary page corresponds to a damping factor of 85 %.) Without damping, all web surfers would eventually end up on Pages A, B, or C, and all other pages would have PageRank zero. In the presence of damping, Page A effectively links to all pages on the web, even though it has no outgoing links of its own.

 Page Rank (PR) Does Not Make Sense

Yeah, all those fancy equations look great and the pictures and written explanations are really cute.

Though, whilst several websites with almost no content and just as many backlinks (Almost zero) are gaining high Google Page Rank (PR) it means there is no real relevance to Google Page Rank, anymore.

I have also seen top quality, very popular sites (a large number of visitors) that had no Google Page Rank. They were ranked PR N/A. Which means their site was not even recognized by Google…What a slap in the face!

Page Rank (PR) Does Not Matter Anymore

Here is another reason why I put very little value in Google Page Rank (PR)…

Google Page Rank is not even considered to matter much anymore, according to many very knowledgeable and successful website Pubg pc owners. Several sites I have been visiting are saying the same thing.

Here’s a very well written article by Neil Patel on his website called Quick Sprout where he asks: Does Google Page Rank (PR) Matter?

This is a well-written article with some interesting diagrams. The “Conclusion” near the bottom of the article gives a pretty accurate description of what importance Google Page Rank holds.

Neil says that there is no real benefit these days for gaining a high Google Page Rank, except in regards to getting your pages indexed by Google more frequently.

I honestly think (well, now anyway) that Page Rank (PR) matters about the same as how much Alexa ranking matters.

That may sounds a bit over the top, though, unless someone can point out any real benefits to Goggle Page Rank that make it any better than gaining a good Alexa Ranking, I stand by what I have said…

Another thing is that just as how the search engine rankings can be manipulated (And Alexa ranking is manipulated very often) it is also said that Google Page Rank can have the same thing done to it…Whether to the same extent as the manipulated Google Search engine ranking results, or as much as the Alexa Ranking system can be influenced, is something we shall have to wait and see…

What are your thoughts on whether  Page Rank still matters?

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